California_Castrator_Bander_Plus_Castration_Bands_01_bu California Castrator Bander Plus Castration Bands

California Castrator Bander Plus Castration Bands
California Castration Bander the fastest, easiest, bloodless castration tool you have ever used! The tool is made of stainless steel with a soft foam handle. Pre-cut, 150mm natural latex bands have an aluminum T-clip attached to one end. To use, simply place the clip into the slot of the tool, stretch the band around the scrotal sac, and lock the other end of the band onto the clip. The clip will hold the band tightly and securely without crimping. The band and tool are then separated by tilting the tool slightly backwards. No need to cut the band. For use on animals of all sizes.
California Castrator Bander Plus Castration Bands