Wile 65 Grain moisture tester.
Wile 65 Grain moisture tester.
WILE Temperature Measurement Probe 1.5m with Fibreglass Probe – In Stock, Secure Yours Now! WILE Temperature Measurement Probe 1.5metre, with Fibreglass Probe for Hay, Straw, Wood Chips, Silage and Grains. Aluminium Tip, measurement at the probe tip, temperature range -10C to +70C. For use in loose solids such as hay, grain, wood shavings etc. Please …
Wile 27 Bale Moisture Meter. All in one unit with digital display. For measuring hay, straw and silage. The Wile 27 is a moisture meter for hay bales, straw and drying silos – It can also be used to determine the moisture content of silage fodder and silage. Simple operation – Wide range of applications. …